Mega Sistemas implements in the health area of Lugo the Integral Management System of Assets, Maintenance, Patrimony and General Services (CMMS) Mansis.

The health area of Lugo is composed of the Hospital Universitario Lucus Augusti (HULA), reference hospital at provincial level with a staff ranging between 2,000 and 2,500 people and approximately 850 beds, the Regional Hospital of Monforte de Lemos and the Hospital da Costa in Burela, reference hospital in the northern area of the province of Lugo and serving a population of 72,124 people.

In addition, we add to this implementation more than 80 health centers and primary care that make up the total of the Lugo Hospital Area.


The implementation of this project, through the management of shared processes of MANSIS, means to control all the activity carried out in the hospital in terms of:

  • Heritage and Assets Management
  • Notifications from departments
  • Work Orders Management – Corrective Maintenance
  • Conductive, Preventive and Technical-Legal Maintenance
  • Management of contracts with external suppliers
  • Purchasing and Warehouse
  • Internal Quality
  • Control Panel