hospital-arganda2The Hospital de Arganda del Rey provides health services to more than 150,000 Madrilenians covering Arganda del Rey, Rivas Vaciamadrid, Villarejo de Salvanés, Morata de Tajuña, Nuevo Baztán, Villar del Olmo, Campo Real, Perales de Tajuña, Tielmes, Valdilecha, Fuentidueña del Tajo, Carabaña, Belmonte del Tajo, Estremera, Orusco de Tajuña, Villamanrique de Tajo, Valdaracete, Brea de Tajo, Ambite, Pozuelo de Rey, Pozuelo de Rey, Pozuelo de Rey, Pozuelo de Rey, Carabaña, Belmonte del Tajo, Estremera, Orusco de Tajuña, Villamanrique de Tajo, Valdaracete, Brea de Tajo, Ambite, Pozuelo del Rey and Olmeda de las Fuentes, with modern facilities, fully computerised and equipped with the best diagnostic resources.

implantación de mansisThe administration has incorporated the MANSIS application as an Asset Management system which will help them to manage more than 45,000 square metres of construction and 65,500,000 Euros in building and equipment, with this they intend to guarantee these Madrid citizens functional and comfortable health facilities.

This implementation will mean, through the management of shared processes of MANSIS, controlling all the activity carried out in the hospital in terms of:


  • Property and Asset Management
  • Notifications from departments
  • Management of Work Orders – Corrective Maintenance
  • Conductive, Preventive and Technical-Legal Maintenance
  • Management of contracts with external suppliers
  • Internal quality
  • Balanced Scorecard, ….