
MANSIS will be present at the 37th edition of the AEIH Hospital Engineering Seminar


MANSIS will play a leading role this year in the 37th edition of the Hospital Engineering Seminar of the AEIH – Spanish Association of Hospital Engineering.

On the 24th, the managers of the Subdirección de Ingeniería Hospital Universitario Gregorio Marañón will present the paper “The friendly face of a CMMS, a space for professional integration between Engineering, Healthcare Area and Contractors in the Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón”.

In it they will talk about their experience of our CMMS in the Hospital Gregorio Marañón, and they will also have the technical support of the people in charge of Mansis of MEGA sistemas.

On the 25th, in the Sala Tierra of the Seminar of Hospital Engineering of the AEIH of Cádiz, our Project Manager Gerardo Álvarez, will present the paper “MANSIS Proyecta: Control, Productivity and Efficiency in Project Management”.

A tour of the new Mansis module in which he will present the improvements and new features that will allow a more effective and total control of the management of a project, its phases, tasks, resources involved, monitoring.