
The implementation of msFacilities (MANSIS) begins in the Health Area of Ibiza and Formentera


msFacilities management begins its implementation in the Health Area of Ibiza and Formentera as an Integrated Management System for General Services and Maintenance.

The Gran Hospital Can Misses Concessionary Company, in charge of the management and operation of the new Can Misses Hospital in Ibiza for the next 30 years, has chosen msFacilities (MANSIS ) as the integral software to control and manage the General Services of this health area.

The Health Area of Ibiza and Formentera is located in the Balearic Islands and is made up of the island of Ibiza, with an area of 540 km2, the island of Formentera, with an area of approximately 80 km2, and other smaller islands. This health area provides health coverage to a population of 135,432 inhabitants.

This health area is composed of:

  • The new Hospital Can Misses.
  • Old Hospital Can Misses.
  • Hospital de Formentera.
  • Primary care health centres.

The star of this health area is the new Can Misses Hospital, which is currently in the completion phase of construction and equipment and will be operational in late 2013. This new hospital is located on a 78,085 m2 site, located in the vicinity of the old Ibiza hospital, and will be the largest building on the island, with a surface area of 57,634 square metres, more than double the current one. It will have 277 beds, 15 ICU beds, thirteen incubator beds and 43 emergency observation beds. It will also have 106 consulting rooms, eight operating theatres, six delivery rooms, 18 diagnostic imaging rooms, two of them equipped with CAT scans, and one more with magnetic resonance imaging.

MEGA Sistemas implements the latest version of msFacilities (Hospital version) making the necessary parameterisations for the integration of MANSIS with the computer systems of the Balearic Health Service.

MANSIS Facilities management will be the heart of the system, controlling all the activity carried out in the general services and the level of service provided by each one of the suppliers and it will be integrated receiving and sending information with, among others:

  • Cleaning and sanitisation.
  • Maintenance of facilities.
  • Security and surveillance.
  • Management of clinical records and documentation.
  • Logistics (warehouse and internal transport).
  • Telephone management.
  • Insect and pest control.
  • Gardening and exterior care.
  • Catering.
  • Laundry and linen.
  • Sterilisation.
  • TV, telephony, Internet.
  • Cafeteria-Restaurant and external dining room.
  • Nursery and toy library.
  • Car park.

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